niru.net is a personal and professional endeavor to understand resiliency in complex systems.
My name is Faramarz Maghsoodlou. I am a Systems Engineer by education and profession. Over nearly four decades, I have learned how to model, simulate, design, control, and optimize complex systems. As in all engineering disciplines, this is generally done with assumptions on the system structure, initial condition, operating states, purpose, and recovery requirements, always within a bounded state space. Resilience on the other hand is one of those properties that cannot be easily engineered into a system. It is an emergent property that is manifested over time at higher levels of complexity.
In these blogs we are interested in exploring resilience in socio-economic systems that serve the betterment of human condition. We will look at the concept of resilience across different domains and disciplines to discover their essential properties and common patterns. Our goal is that we can learn to apply those principles in building a more just, fair, and sustainable world.